Pious Associations

Pious Associations

Little Way Association

The Aim of Little Way Association is to follow Therese of the child Jesus’ principles of love, care, sympathy, truth, simplicity, etc. and to input all these principles into the children’s mind and to follow them properly and live in a love and peaceful life.
Little Way Association’s activities are to follow the annual plan in the meeting which is conducted every week. The first week is celebrated “illamthalir week”. The second week is celebrated ‘awareness week’. The third week is celebrated ‘art week’. The fourth week is celebrated ‘environmental week’. During the festival time of St Antony celebrates a day along with youth movement and YCS. Every year the Children’s day is celebrated by the association to organize them together. A happy picnic is conducted every year in the month of May.

Youth Movement

The objective of Youth Movement is to unite all the youths to findout their hidden talents in orde to work for the kingdom of god. Each youth meeting they are given oppertunities to lead the group and find out their talents buried in them. Thus they utilize their talents, Time, Efforts to the underprivileged they also serve as catisa teachers Quire members. They teach the children and handling freee tuitions. Durinn the time of Christmas they do their best they celebrate Christmas a meaningful day.This Movement is to serve the poor children to continue their studies. They teach the poor children. They take free tuitions. Our services are to improve social environment, donate blood, encourage the people to save money, help the poor, visit the sick and visit the Handicapped home and contribute their shares.

St Vincent de Paul Society

The aim of Vincent de Paul Society is Jesus Christ’s principle of ‘if you do any help to one of the least of my brotheren to do it to me’.
The Vincent de Paul Society was started by the mason’s associations on April 28, 1996. Vincent de Paul Society’s Services are helping the most deserving families namely widows, Destitutes, marginalized they to select seven poor families and support them until they stand their own legs. They visit these families’. They periodically visit government hospitals and help the patients and distribute food items. They also encourage people to attain Sunday mass and to prayfamily rosary.

Legion of Mary

The objective of the Legion is to glorify god through the purification of the members. The two ways to realize this objective are prayer and service. This service is co-operating with our lady and the church, in the mission of spreading The Kingdom of Jesus Christ under the guidance and supervision of the church leaders. They service in to shrine is remarkable. Every year they visit mentally retarded homes. Every week they visit families, sick people and pray for them. They have a good habit of attending the important functions of the families of the members.


The objective of Catechism is to follow Jesus Christ’s principle of love, justice, unity, trust, sympathy, faith, forgiveness, etc., input all these principles into children’s heart and bring the children under the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. There are 22 teachers teach Catechism without any remuneration. More than 200 childrens are attending sunday Catechism .
Activities: To prepare an annual plan and the basis of annual plan we conduct our classes. Last week of every month we conduct teacher’s meeting. In those meeting, we discuss the present month activities and the future month activities. Every year we celebrate Christmas. The third day feast of our church is celebrated by our children and teachers. The Vocational Bible Class is conducted every year in the month of May.
We conduct trainings and improve the knowledge of our teachers. We also participate all the training conducted in the diocese. We encourage the children to read the Holy Bible and help the poor and also we encourage them to pray daily.

Basic Christian Community

The very heart of Vettuvenni St.Antony’s Shrine has been classified into 7 ANBIAMS (Basic Christian Community), on the basic of which people gather, pray and work together. As the result of the special care and importance shown to strengthen and to encourage them by visiting the B.C.C., a progressive mark of interest and involvement is seen among the people furthermore, the co-ordinating forum of the B.C.C is well organised once in a month, and the responsible persons are initiated to direct their own B.C.C property

Young Catholic Students (YCS)

The Y.C.S at Vettuvenni does the activities along with the youth movement. Their activities are more are similar to youth movement. There is one difference that is youth movement as an animator guide to help them to conduct meetings. The animator also help the Y.C.S. at work the members towards building of kingdom